SFC Camping sites in Finland

hobby motorhome camper van

SFC Camping sites in Finland

Camping on a Campsite

Tips for TC customers shared by SF Caravan, the Finnish Federation of Camping, Caravanning and Motorcaravanning 

One of Touring Cars' partner, SF Caravan, want to share some general rules on camping sites in Finland.

Arrival at the camping site

The reception is usually near the entrance, or has clear signage. At some SF-Caravan camping sites, you will register with the site host. There are also clear signs to the host’s caravan, which is often marked with the host’s pennant. 

When registering, you will find the necessary information on your international camping card. Please take out your card in advance, as the reception will ask for it. In some areas, the reception will keep your card for the duration of your stay.

When registering, you must also fill in a notification of a traveler. The notification of a traveler must mention the data of all people traveling together. Personal information of minors must also be included. The traveler must confirm the information they have given with their signature.

Please note, the international camping card is personal, but applies to the whole motorhome travel group when camping. A household with at most two adults with children are counted as a family or a motorhome group.

When registering, you will also agree on the use of electricity, i.e. whether it will be measured based on your electricity meter or paid by the number of accommodation days. You can write down the meter reading on paper before going to the reception. 

If you intend to leave the area with your motorhome and return to the same spot, you should first agree with the host on how to mark your pitch. Marking a reserved pitch is a good and polite custom that saves time and trouble for all parties.

Find out the site’s guidelines and customs

The area’s bulletin board should have a map showing the site’s services and recreational opportunities. It also has the site’s rules, code of conduct, safety instructions and the sauna shifts, for example. The bulletin board will also have information on quiet hours.

The site’s service building has a clean water station, and the wastewater emptying stations are also nearby. You should sort out your water management before choosing your pitch. This will save you the trouble of carrying the canisters around. Fixed water tanks should be inspected, in particular.

You can usually choose your pitch freely. The reception can also tell you about suitable free pitches. In some camping sites, newcomers are given the number of a free spot, especially if the site is starting to be full.

When choosing a pitch, you should pay attention to the spot being level. Parking a motorhome on an uneven or inclined surface takes some practice. 

The type of terrain should also be considered; fine sand can easily carry into your caravan or motorhome, and any depressed areas may fill with rain. On clay soil, rain can lead to muddy terrain. On the other hand, a grass field may be deceptively slippery after rain, especially when driving a caravan uphill.

Safe distance when camping

When setting up a camp, always leave a safety distance of at least four (4) metres. The distance is also counted from the front tent or awning.

SF-Caravan campsites

You can find out the details of these campsites of SF-Caravan’s member organizations from the campsite guide (Leirintäopas) and online at Leirintaopas.fi.

Audited camping sites with the 'Vankkurihymiö' quality label have been marked on the list with the label's smiling campervan symbol. 


Enjoy your road trip with Touring Cars - the Road is Yours!


We want to thank our partner, the Finnish Federation of Camping, Caravanning and Motorcaravanning, SF Caravan for sharing this great guideline with us. SF Caravan was established in 1964 as a nationwide organization and you can get to know its camping sites on: https://www.karavaanarit.fi/caravanning-in-finland/camping-in-finland/sf-caravan-club-sites/ 

  • Original Source & copyright: the Finnish Federation of Camping, Caravanning and Motorcaravanning, SF Caravan
  • SF Caravan membership benefits: https://www.karavaanarit.fi/jasenyys/jasenedut/ 
  • Translation & some TC notes have been added: Touring Cars Motorhome Rental Europe


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