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Touring Cars

European motorhome rental chain

Your trusted motorhome service provider in North-Europe

Touring Cars is one of the oldest motorhome service providers in North-Europe offering customized vehicle rentals and campers for sale. Our journey began back in 1982 in Finland and over the years, we have grown into a major player in the European motorhome industry. Touring Cars franchise chain provides top-notch rentals and highly-rated travel services across 6 countries, with 8 local stations to serve our domestic and international customers.

Company Overview

  • Multinational Motorhome Holiday Chain in Europe with a rich history
  • Founded in 1982, operated as a Nordic service chain since 1985, transitioned to a
  • Franchising-based Business in 2013 In 2024, turnover reached EUR 7,29M with a strong equity ratio of 50%
  • Privately owned business and licensed under Tanja Saarnio (since 1991) and Elle Tick (since 2022)
  • Corporate Governance in 2025 is overseen by the TC Board, consisting of Tanja Saarnio, Elle Tick, Tarja Saastamoinen, and Kari Neilimo
  • Headquarters is located in Vantaa, Finland Corporate functions and international Sales are managed by the multinational TC Admin team
  • Rental stations (franchisees) in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Iceland and England (UK)
  • Vehicle Sales and Maintenance services are operated locally in Finland, Norway, Estonia and England
  • The concept employs appr. 60-100 people, which varies seasonally Collaboration with 120 active sales partners worldwide
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With our tested Key-to-Freedom concept a customized Good-Feelings holiday guaranteed

Exciting Journey

Founded in 1982 in Finland, Touring Cars has been a pioneer in providing practical mobile accommodations and spacious vehicles according to the standardized Key-to-Freedom concept for individual travelers as well as commercial and non-profit organisations both domestically and internationally.


Business Today

Today, our business is perfectly aligned with the increasing demand for individually-tailored, sustainable travel experiences. We enable our customers to explore authentic Europe or enjoy a quick and relaxing getaway, all effortlessly and comfortably, according to their own schedules and interests.

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Dedicated Personnel

Our personnel plays a vital role in creating positive experiences and good feelings for our customers and partners. Headquartered in Finland, Touring Cars is driven by a dynamic, multinational TC Admin team. Our European rental stations and vehicle sales services are operated by local entrepreneurs who are committed to deliver exceptional service at all times and at every step.


Three Megatrends Drives the Growth in our Business


Younger traveler generation with their expectations and demands


Valuing down-to-hearth lifestyle and sustainability

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Growing urge for getaways and relaxation by the nature

What do our customers say about us

Touring Care


Employees and Franchisees


Customers and Partners


Surroundings and Nature


Society and Local Economics

Touring Cars camper rental & sales franchise chain Europe

Head office& international sales office

Tiilenlyöjänkuja 6, 01720 Vantaa, Finland
+358 9 849 4050

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